Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Dwarven Lieutenant: The Foreman of the Lollipop Guild

When designing Dwarf tribal, the obvious guy would be the only piece of tribal synergy allowed in the format (Dwarven Pony and Heartwolf aren't legal in OS), so it was obvious, if I was going to do this, I needed to include him. So why did I even want to do this, well that's a story for another article.

Playability: Stating as a 1/2 for 2, Dwarven Lieutenant is about the average curve of a red creature at the time. He does have the Soldier subtype now, which adds a possibility of synergy, but not by much. However, a two cost firebreathing effect is pretty nice, especially since it doesn't have to target him. This allows some tribal synergy with his warrior brothers. However, so can Firebreathing, and be more effective. He can also go in for a swing, and moral the unblocked dwarf that got through. If his fellow tribe members were this efficent, I feel he'd be better, but he's only as good as the men below him, so he's sadly a 3/5. Average, but just good enough on the cusp of playability.

Art: Jeff Menges is always a favorite of mine, but his art usually lacks color. This one goes into a full spectrum of reds, grey, blue, and white. The details between the chain mail, the shadows on the ground, and even the mountains in the background. Everything in this, is deceptively simple, but amazingly distinct. Given the small size of the card frame, it's a testament so much can fit on the art, and not feel cluttered. It leaves a distinct impression on the mind, and the memory. 4/5

Flavor: Dwarves are tough, and a Lieutenant would be something of a stronger dwarf. It makes sense he along can take off a small band of goblin raiders, would be overwhelmed by stronger enemies like orcs or a Goblin Hero. His ability, while nicknamed "fire breathing" isn't actually fire breathing. Instead it represents him boosting moral to other dwarves around him. Why does it require mana? I'm not sure. These days, it would probably be a static or triggered ability. Still it works with what it is. Flavor 3/5.

Final Verdict 3/5. An average card from an average set. Still, it's luckily not a bad card. The ideal card to find in a pack, and much better then a number of Old School creatures, and that's a blessing.

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